I am a Final Year Student in Singapore Management University, pursuing a degree in Bachelor of Science (Information Systems) with a double major in Business Analytics and Artificial Intelligence. With my strong passion in the realm of data, I am constantly researching and learning new concepts to deepen my knowledge. Being able to use my skills to engineer solutions for any problems is what excites and motivates me to become better each day.
Apart from academics, I enjoy rock climbing, squash, and cycling. They serve as means for me to relieve stress and keep fit :)
Shopee Pte Ltd, Geo Service Team
Singapore Management University
Urban Redevelopment Authority Singapore,
Design and Planning Lab
TrueVA Capital
GovTech Singapore, Enterprise Data Hub
Singapore Management University
SISB Co.,Ltd (Bangkok)
Say hello! Feel free to connect with me via Email or Linkedin!
Email: denyse.tan.2018@sis.smu.edu.sg
Linkedin: denysetan