About myself

I am a Final Year Student in Singapore Management University, pursuing a degree in Bachelor of Science (Information Systems) with a double major in Business Analytics and Artificial Intelligence. With my strong passion in the realm of data, I am constantly researching and learning new concepts to deepen my knowledge. Being able to use my skills to engineer solutions for any problems is what excites and motivates me to become better each day.

Apart from academics, I enjoy rock climbing, squash, and cycling. They serve as means for me to relieve stress and keep fit :)

P r o j e c t s

Work Experience

Data Science Intern

Shopee Pte Ltd, Geo Service Team

• Researched different language detection models and devised a framework with FastText to differentiate addresses containing Thai and English characters for various use cases, achieving a 99.8% accuracy
• Built data pipelines using PySpark to process big data containing Thailand addresses from multiple sources to a target database - incorporated language detection, hierarchical clustering, NER model, and reverse geocoding of addresses
• Explored Shopee’s Thailand polygon dataset and utilised Kepler.gl to verify if admin division levels can cover the entire country

Teaching Assistant
Social Science)

Singapore Management University

• Assisted a class of 45 students on weekly lab exercises including Social Media Analytics and Natural Language Processing

Data Science Intern

Urban Redevelopment Authority Singapore,
Design and Planning Lab

• Researched various time series clustering methods and designed a framework using Time Series K-means to derive consistent archetypes from footfall datasets, obtaining remarkable results
• Performed spatial clustering to identify areas with similar footfall archetypes to capture key land uses contributing to footfall trends
• Trained a Name Entity Recognition (NER) model using spaCy to extract and geolocate spatial references from unstructured text
• Developed a Streamlit Application POC which integrates location NER model with OneMap location search API
• Presented projects to C-Suite and Professor Paul Cheung from National University of Singapore

Data Analyst Consultant

TrueVA Capital

• Devised 3 Tableau dashboards for a client project to generate business insights for better decision making
• Applied Machine Learning models in data analysis - Time Series Forecasting and Customer Segmentation Clustering

Data Science Intern

GovTech Singapore, Enterprise Data Hub

• Performed SafeEntry visualisations to generate insights into adoption and utilisation rates for essential and non-essential services
• Enhanced Sentiment Analysis Model on Supplier Reviews with Natural Language Processing techniques and Ensemble Learning to achieve better prediction accuracy
• Operationalised a Fraud Detection model to derive a risk scoring for each company using Machine Learning and Anomaly Detection methods - DBSCAN Clustering and Regression

Teaching Assistant
(Computational Thinking)

Singapore Management University

• Conducted academic consultations to a class of 40 students on various data structures and algorithms to solve problems

Business Development

SISB Co.,Ltd (Bangkok)

• Devised a business proposal to expand SISB business model for pre-school education
• Conducted strategic analysis on pre-school education landscape using frameworks - Porter’s 5 Forces, SWOT, PESTEL


  1. Programming Languages Python, SQL, PHP
  2. Machine Learning: Scikit-learn, TensorFlow, Natural Language Processing (spaCy, HuggingFace, Gensim, TextBlob, NLTK), Computer Vision (OpenCV), Time Series, Streamlit
  3. Data Visualisation: Tableau, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly, Dash
  4. Big Data: PySpark
  5. Geographic Information System: ArcGIS Pro, Kepler.gl
  6. Web Development: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Flask
  7. Cloud: AWS Cloud Computing
  8. Design: Adobe XD (UI/UX)


  • All Categories
  • Data Science
  • Data Visualisation
  • Software Development

SMU x Dimuto

SMU-X IS483 IS Project Experience (FYP)

Named-Entity Recognition Model for SG Locations

URA Internship

Time Series Clustering - Deriving Trends from Sequential Data

URA Internship

SMU x Green Nudge

SMU-X IS434 Social Analytics and Applications

Ellipsis Tech Series Hackathon 2020


Framingham Heart Study Prediction

CS421 Introduction to Machine Learning

Mask Wash Counter Telegram Bot

Personal Project

Predicting hotel booking cancellations


GovTech Internship

Data Science

Text Analysis on Amazon Fine Food Reviews

Clustering and Sentiment Analysis

Covid-19 Visualisation

Tableau Dashboard


Web Application

Graduate Employment Survey Visualisation

Tableau Dashboard

Lower Back Pain Prediction

Classification Models Comparisons

World Demographics Trend Visualisation

Tableau Dashboard

Stock Ticker Dashboard

Python Plotly and Dash

Contact Me

Say hello! Feel free to connect with me via Email or Linkedin!

Email: denyse.tan.2018@sis.smu.edu.sg

Linkedin: denysetan